
  • Phrapalad Surachet Surachetho Secretary, Priest of Bang Kruai District, Abbot of Wat Tanot, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Surasak Pahe Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Amara Kiewrugsa Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Kiattiwat Watchayakarn Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Tepnakorn Takong Faculty of Educational and Liberal Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology


Humanity education, Human development


Education is something that always goes hand in hand with learning. Both the importance of learning will enable human beings to learn and be trained to continually improve. Humans can learn on their own to survive partly. and can learn by another part of the educational process The important goal of education is to change the learner from the unknown to the one who knows, and this can be seen from the way of thinking, the consciousness that has changed from when he did not know it and the behavior has changed from before  But it is unfortunate that The education that exists today creates learners to be mere remembrances and mere remembrances for exams and competitions. Create for students to have a walking textbook condition. without taking the process "Changing people Social Creation” is an important goal of education. This makes education like a word that Luang Por Buddhadasa said, "Education of the Duan Dog" that lacks the way to develop "people" for a complete "human being" with knowledge and virtue.


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