
  • Peerachat Khotchalee
  • Sudjai Kianpakdee
  • Nipitpholt Sanitlou
  • Sumitra Yapradit
  • Voranart Ratanamanee


Square Roots, Misconceptions and Diagnosis


Understanding in Mathematics or concept in Mathematics is important for analyzing the students’ understanding in Mathematics. Nowadays, teachers usually overlook the diagnosis of the concept in Mathematics and focus only on the way to find the answer of the Mathematics problem instead. Sometimes, even teachers also misunderstand the concept in Mathematics.

Nowadays, the Institute for the Promotion of Science and Technology (IPST) pays more attention to the misunderstanding of the concept in Mathematics and adds the topic about the misunderstanding in each unit of teacher's manual for the basic Mathematics subject and the advanced Mathematics subject of the new curriculum with the aim to be an example for both teachers and students. However, some schools do not use the teaching book from IPST and the teachers do not pay attention to the teacher's manual or the Mathematics concept that easy to misunderstand. In this article, the researcher will present an example including the way to analyze the misunderstanding of the concept in Mathematics of the Square Root.



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