
  • Tanakorn Misiri Faculty of Business administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep
  • Rujipas Potongsangarun


Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Trust, Social Influences


The objectives of this research were to: study the factors of trust, social influences, efficiency expectation, effort expectancy, facility conditions, marketing value, and the decision to use digital currencies. The data were gathered through an online Google form with 400 samples derived by convenient sampling techniques from people who have had experience in using digital currencies. The data were analyzed through percentage, mean, SD, and multiple regression analysis.

          The results revealed that the factors of trust, social influences, efficiency expectation, effort expectancy, facility conditions, and marketing value had effects on the decision to use digital currencies with the statistical significance of correlation coefficient value at a high level (R=0.953). The forecasting value was 90.8% with the standard error of the forecasting factor at 0.30755 (SEE 0.30755). The factors with the highest influence on the decision to use digital currencies were the facility conditions followed by efficiency expectation effort expectancy trust marketing value and social influences with regression coefficients of 0.329, 0.158, 0.156, 0.123, 0.119, and 0.114, respectively.


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