Sports Soft Power, Sport Industrial Value, Hosting Sports Competitions, Supporting National AthletesAbstract
The purposes of this research are to study the factors in hosting sports competitions that affect value added in the sports industry in Thailand and to study the factors in supporting national athlete teams that affect value added in the sports industry in Thailand. The researcher reviewed relevant literature and designed a questionnaire instrument. There was a sample size of 400 people. Data were collected using simple random sampling. and analyze the results of the hypothesis testing using the Multiple Regression Analysis test method.
The results of the hypothesis test found that the hosting factor of sports competitions affects value added in the sports industry in Thailand. Statistically significant at the .05 level when considering the results of the multiple regression equation analysis, it was found that the multiple correlation coefficient (R) was equal to 61.1 percents. The Adjusted R Square value was equal to 37.3 percents and the Significant value was equal to .00 and the factor of supporting national athletes’ teams has an influence on value added in the sports industry in Thailand. Statistically significant at the .05 level when considering the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis, it was found that the multiple correlation coefficient (R) was equal to 62.7 percent and the Adjusted R Square value was equal to 61.9 percents and Significant equals 0.00.
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