REC MODEL: Development of Guidelines driving for developing educational development plan of the Eastern Province Group 2 (2023-2027)


  • Wanpen Burisungnoen Regional Education Office No.8 and Regional Education Office No.9
  • Jantra Kiatlunsong Regional Education Office No.8 and Regional Education Office No.9
  • Supaporn Narupai Regional Education Office No.8 and Regional Education Office No.9
  • Tussanee Changchup Regional Education Office No.8 and Regional Education Office No.9
  • Sajja Joonboon Regional Education Office No.8 and Regional Education Office No.9


Development, Guidelines driving, Educational development plan, Eastern Province Group 2, REC MODEL


This research aims 1) to study the conditions and problems 2) the development  and 3) Make policy recommendations of Guidelines for developing educational development plan of the Eastern Province Group 2 (2023-2027) using REC MODEL; Mixed methods research It presents both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The samples were committees total of 175 into 3 groups: 1) Executive group 2) planning practitioner group and 3) educational community group. The instruments used were two issues of five-rating scale questionnaires with the and .972 and .944 reliability.

The results of research were found that 1) the conditions and problems in driving the regional educational development strategic plan (2020-2022) using the REC MODEL overall is at a high level, consistent in the same direction, 2) Results of the development consistent with the 20-year national strategy, according to the educational strategy, there is a positive relationship with education for the development of regional education as overall were significantly different at the .01 level and 3) there should be a clearly established agency responsible for coordinating the implementation of policies at the agency level for example, providing learning in a friendly and critical manner. feedback information Integrated work Creating a professional learning community and collaborative investigation. Finally, specific training programs are needed to develop professional mentors.


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