
  • Sirawee Rawiwong Graduate School of Development Economics, National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand.
  • Sorasart Sukcharoensin Graduate School of Development Economics, National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand.


Stock Repurchase, Abnormal Stock Return, Stock Repurchase Scale


The study investigates the abnormal return rates of securities during the announcement period of stock repurchases, comparing large with small-scale repurchases. The results show that there is a significantly positive abnormal return rate for stock repurchase in large-scale repurchases during the periods (-1,1) and (-3,3) trading days, with statistical significance at a 90% confidence level. On the other hand, for small-scale stock repurchase, during the periods before and after the announcement (-180,180) and (-250,250) trading days, there is a significantly negative abnormal return at confidence levels of 95% and 90% respectively. Additionally, the study finds that the average abnormal return rate across all periods is higher for large-scale compared to small-scale stock repurchases.


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