
  • Adisorn Siri Assitant Professor, School of Education and Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Pimpanitt Chottsawhas Lecture of School of Education and Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Narasak Sirikanjanawong Lecture of School of Education and Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Kantapon Samdaengdej Lecture of School of Education and Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Napasinee Nillaphan Lecture of School of Education and Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Jintana Cheng Lecture of School of Education and Arts, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology


Educational Innovation, Learning, Phenomenon-Based Learning


This article presents the concept of Phenomenon-Based Learning, an instruction in response to learning management of the essential work skills of the 21st century Finnish education. The teaching approach is based on the phenomena of the world to develop interpersonal and communication skills, agile thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and self-directed learning skills in different topics of learners’ view. This is called integrated learning and is done by combining transdisciplinary knowledge and subjects and guidelines for developing lifelong learning skills: 1) stimulate interest 2) show challenging situation 3) discuss and reflect 4) construct knowledge and 5) collaborate learning via the internet and information system in the digital era. The 5 steps of learning management: 1) Enquiry Question, 2) Mini-lessons and Scaffolding, 3) Research and Collaborative work, 4) Public Presentation, and 5) Reflection on Learning are for educational instructors to use and apply in a holistic manner to learning management.


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