

  • ธีรเสฏฐ์ ศิรธนานนท์ Assisstant to the President Navamindradhiraj University


Governance, Measurement, Thai Higher Education Institutions


Any organization needs good governance, but Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) need it more than all organization. Due to the complexity of HEIs and the wide range of stakeholders they involve, including students, teachers, staff, alumni, funders, and the general public, HEIs are held accountable for the results of their operations thanks to governance, which ensures that these stakeholders are included in the decision-making process. Effectiveness, accountability, equity, and openness are factors that encourage excellent governance at HEIs. The measurement of governance in Thai HEIs should be done in cooperate with people's awareness, process monitoring and control, and also the use of digital technology, which is person-centered and focuses on creating a stimulating atmosphere, and promote a trusting environment. Process management in accordance with The Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx), edition 2020–2023, as it relates to the application of good governance at HEIs and the use of digital technology to collaborate, assign work, and keep track of initiatives. risk management strategy and action plan In addition to evaluating the benefits and openness of how government agencies operate, Thai HEIs can examine their good governance in other ways. Also referred to as an "integrity and transparency assessment" (ITA assessment), this evaluation considers the development of high-quality HEIs. The Financial Audit Report also discusses the findings of the external auditors' internal audit.


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How to Cite

ศิรธนานนท์ ธ. . (2023). การวัดผลการมีธรรมาภิบาลในสถาบันอุดมศึกษาไทย. วารสารวิชาการ วิจัย และนวัตกรรม มสธ. (มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์) (ออนไลน์), 3(2), 20–36. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/InnovationStou/article/view/265757



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