Path Analysis of the Influence of Competency, Fairness, People-Centeredness, and Service-Mindedness on Value Driven Behavior in the Royal Thai Police Force


  • Pitsarn Phanwattana Faculty of Police Science, Royal Police Cadet Academy


Competency, Fairness, People-Centeredness, Service-Mindedness, Value


         This quantitative research aims to analyze the influence of competency, fairness, people centeredness, and service-mindedness on the value-driven behavior of police trainees, using path analysis to examine the causal relationships between variables. The sample consisted of 201 police trainees selected from the training program for the fiscal year 2023, with data collected from December 2023 to March 2024. The research instrument was a three-part questionnaire, including demographic information and Likert scale questions on the main variables. A pilot study was conducted with 20 participants to test the instrument, resulting in content validity (IOC) scores above 0.70, a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.87, and acceptable construct validity (CFA), with CFI = 0.76 and RMSEA = 0.06 Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and path analysis.
        The findings showed that R² = 0.347, indicating that 34.7% of the variance in police trainees' value-driven behavior (VALUE) could be explained by the variables in the model. Competency (COMPE) had a direct influence on VALUE, with a coefficient of 0.818, demonstrating that higher competency leads to stronger adherence to values. Fairness (OFAIR) had a direct influence on VALUE, with a coefficient of 0.776, indicating that a fair and just system enhances trainees' value-driven behavior. Additionally, People-centeredness (PEOPL) had an indirect influence on VALUE through OFAIR, with a coefficient of 0.597, showing that emphasizing people-centeredness promotes fairness and justice, which in turn strengthens value-driven behavior. In conclusion, competency and fairness are the main factors that directly influence the value driven behavior of police trainees, while people-centeredness indirectly affects values through the promotion of a fair and just system.


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How to Cite

Phanwattana, P. (2024). Path Analysis of the Influence of Competency, Fairness, People-Centeredness, and Service-Mindedness on Value Driven Behavior in the Royal Thai Police Force. STOU Academic Journal of Research and Innovation (Humanities and Social Science) (Online), 4(2), 15–32. retrieved from



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