The Coconut Candy Development of Kehaa Community Housewife Group, Tambol Nakornchum, Amphur Muang, Kamphaeng Phet Province


  • Pensri Youngkaew -
  • Phattraphon Ariuea


Coconut Candy, Product Development


          The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the coconut candy of Kehaa Community Housewife Group, Tambol Nakornchum, Amphur Muang, Kamphaeng Phet 2) to test the product market 3) to propagate the product development, and 4) to analyze the cost and business return. This is a mixed method research. The 1st objective used group discussion with all population 15 housewives, laboratory test with 30 target consumers. The 2nd objective used questionnaire with 400 consumers. The 3rd – 4th objectives used workshop with all population 15 housewives.

          The results had found that 1) The product should develop the new packaging as zip lock bag, has their own brand, test for favor to distribute more and 70% of target consumer satisfied with formula B product as it was very sweet. 2) The marketing test had found that overall satisfied on formula B at a high level (mean=3.96). The most satisfaction at the highest level on the beautiful brand (mean=4.28), next was the beautiful packaging (mean=4.27), sweet and delicious favor (mean=4.22), in order. 3) They understood the knowledge propagate on business model canvas and adapted to do for their product. 4) The total cost of production analysis had found that the production per time was 3,300 baht, had coconut candy 150 bags, selling price per bag was 35 baht, income was 5,250 baht, net profit per 1 time was 1,950 baht. Therefore, their production for 100 candies will have the return fit per time. The return analysis had found that the net profit margin was 37.14%. The breakeven point analysis fit on 5 bags, the selling cost at breakeven point was 175 baht, total distribution was 50 bags per week. However, it can sell more than the amount according to the breakeven point.


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How to Cite

Youngkaew, P., & Ariuea, P. (2024). The Coconut Candy Development of Kehaa Community Housewife Group, Tambol Nakornchum, Amphur Muang, Kamphaeng Phet Province. Lampang Rajabhat University Journal, 13(1), 13–23. Retrieved from


