
  • Wanchat Chanwichit Khon Kaen University
  • Prayong Saenpuran Khon Kaen University


Role, Buddha, The Propagation Of Dharma


               This article aims to study the meaning of roles and propagation. The Buddha’s words of the Buddha that were propagated as well as the role of Buddha in the propagation of Dharma. In order to point out the service to the world of the Buddha, it is found that the role refers to the expression, behavior, or obligation of the person according to the status of the society. The propagation means announcement or extension. Therefore, the role of Dharma propagation means the Buddha is responsible for preaching or showing the Dharma to the world citizen. When considering Buddha’s words that were propagated, he realized to the difficulty and the basic of person characteristics that effects of the Dharma attainment as the lotus has four groups (the four types of people) and awareness for selection of the Dharma shown and the results of the Dharma. The maximum benefit is therefore received to those receiving justice. For the role of the Buddha in the propagation of Dharma, his highness played two important roles: the propagation of Dharma according to the Buddha’s conduct.The Buddha’s conduct, functions or services (Buddha-cariyā) for three purposes: Lokattha-cariyā, Ñātattha-cariyā and Buddhattha-cariyā, as the name of master, he performed duties in relief to the world. This is a duties that treats to the world along with 45 Phansa (period of three lunar months during the rainy season) . In addition, the guidelines for the propagation of the disciples by setting goals or policies for propagation of Dharma to the monks or missionaries to consider and the qualifications of the missionaries for setting the appropriate way of propagation. The role of the Buddha in the propagation of dharma should be a pattern of Buddha's lifetime and the Buddhist monk in present time.


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How to Cite

Chanwichit, . W., & Saenpuran, P. (2020). BUDDHA’S ROLE FOR THE PROPAGATION OF DHARMA. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(2), 1–17. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/236233



Academic Article