
  • Phrakru Kittikhemaphirom (Prajuab Khemābhirato) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Propagation Model, Master Buddhism, Sangha


                The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the general context of master Buddhism propagation model of sangha in Nonthaburi province, 2) to study the factors of master Buddhism propagation and 3) to propose the master Buddhism propagation model of sangha in Nonthaburi province. The methodology was mixed of the qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative research was conducted by studying the samples of 380 respondents. The tool used for data collection was questionnaire. Statistics used frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative research was conducted by in-depth interviewing 18 key performances and focus group discussion of 12 key informants. The data were analyzed by using Analytic induction technique.

                The research findings were: 1) The general context of master Buddhism propagation model of sangha in Nonthaburi province was 1) Planning of Operation, man, budget and materials, 2) Decentralized organization, network, centralized and informal 3) commanding by duty, supporting, independence, and order in the line of work 4) Coordination by using the tools, formal coordinating, direct and informal and 5) Quality control, content, behavior and duration. 2) The factors of master Buddhism propagation model of sangha in Nonthaburi province in overall was at high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.97, S.D.=0.40). Each aspect indicated that the controlling aspect was at highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.25, S.D.=0.53), followed by the planning aspect ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.10, S.D.=0.51) and the Coordinating aspect   (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.79, S.D.=0.65) respectively. 3) The master Buddhism propagation model of sangha in Nonthaburi province was: 1) Sandassanā, There is a clear process and content easy to understanding, clarify objectives, expert in explaining and clearly and set goals, 2) Samādapanā, use the media to propagate, thorough promotion, Best content, example, convince the listener, cause belief and participation, 3) Samuttejanā, arousing, uphold goodness, be patient, stimulate propagation and meditation, encourage to do good and 4) Sampahaṁsanā, Interesting content, use storytelling for presenting, present by entertainment style, expressing merit and demerit, use polite words to create conformity, know the right time and place.


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How to Cite

(Prajuab Khemābhirato), P. K. . (2020). MASTER BUDDHISM PROPAGATION MODEL OF SANGHA IN NONTHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(2), 211–223. Retrieved from



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