The Administration, Management, Eliminate Rabies, Samut PrakarnAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the condition about eliminates rabies infected dogs perspectives in Samut Prakarn province 2) to study the factor that affected to eliminate rabies infected dogs perspectives. and 3) to study proceeding management of the officers about elimination rabies infected dogs. The samples were selected using documentary research, focus group and in-depth interview by purposive selection. All of the above are representative from everyone who involve about eliminate rabies infected dogs in Samut Prakarn province that include with 3 groups of varied government department such as 1) central government 5 persons 2) administrator 5 persons and 3) related people 36 persons so the total 46 persons. All of the samples are experts who are knowledgeable, understanding and experience of administration and management about elimination rabies infected dogs in Samut Prakarn province at less 5 years. The research found that: 1) the condition about eliminate rabies infected dogs perspectives in Samut Prakarn province were found that central government organizations and local government are confused by the powers, duties and guidelines so affected to operational officers are unable to handle the rabies infected dogs problem which affects to overview confidence of the people. 2) the factor that affected to eliminate rabies infected dogs perspectives. show that the deaths of most people are caused by stray dogs or irresponsible owner and most people in the society still less knowledge and understanding about rabies. By the way they still believe that rabies usually occurs in the summer and is caused by dogs only. 3) proceeding management of the officer about eliminate rabies infected dogs. were accelerating local administrative to issue ordinances about “Animal Control and Release”, prevention of pathogens caused by animals, releasing animal to disturb to others who break the rule need to pay fine not more than 5,000 baht. Creating collective agreements between communities and local government officials of clearly eliminate rabies infected dogs.
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