
  • Phrapalad Nutthawut Arnando Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • PhraSuthirattanabundit . Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Konit Srithong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


model, Buddhist monastery management, community educational center


The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows: 1) to study activities and models of Buddhist monastery management towards educational center of the community in Thai society; 2) to study the process of Buddhist monastery management towards educational center of the community in Thai society; and 3) to present the model Buddhist monastery management towards community educational center in Thailand. This is to research the document based approach and the field study conducted by in-depth interview as its research tool. The raw data are reviewed by the content analyses. The descriptive analysis is used for research findings presentation. The findings of the research are as follows: 1) Activities and models of Buddhist monastery management towards educational center of the community in Thai society were found that activities and models of temple management of each temple were carried out in a concrete and continuous action. Therefore, Monks and novices had the opinions that administration, propagation, public facilities, religious education, educational welfare, and public welfare had important part of the temple management process to be a community education center. 2) The process of Buddhist monastery management towards educational center of the community in Thai society was found that there were 6 process: 1) lifelong education promotion of community people 2) activities promoting intellectual skills 3) information technology services 4) learning the arts and culture of the community 5) mental and intellectual space, and 6) development of educational network in the community. 3) The model, Buddhist monastery management towards community education center in Thailand were 1) the center for promoting lifelong education for the community people, 2) the center for activities promoting intellectual skills, 3) the center for information technology services, 4) the center for learning the arts and culture of the community, 5) the center for mental and intellectual space, and 6) the center for development of educational network in the community.


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How to Cite

Arnando, P. N. ., ., P., & Srithong, K. . (2020). THE MODEL OF BUDDHIST MONASTERY MANAGEMENT TOWARDS COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL CENTER IN THAILAND. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(6), 1–16. Retrieved from



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