Elderly Schools : Management of Elderly Health and Welfare in Central Thailand


  • Sooprot Boon-on Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus
  • Phrakhrusiriphurinitat . Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus
  • Phrakhrubidekamonthon Kemako Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus
  • Pathitham Samniang Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus
  • Thiraphan Choenram Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus


Elderly School, Health and welfare management, Elderly people


The objectives of this study were: to study the process of the elderly schools in Central Thailand, to develop the system of the elderly health and welfare management of the elderly schools in Central Thailand, and to strengthen the network of the elderly schools on the elderly health and welfare management of the elders in Central Thailand. This research applied Mixed Methods Research consisting of the qualitative research and the quantitative research with the in-Depth Interview and the focus group. The data was presented by the description and synthesized systematically for finding the issue and explaining the content.

The findings of research found that the operation of the elderly schools in Central Thailand to promote the elderly health and welfare had the objectives: to develop the health of the elders in 4 dimensions: body, mind, wisdom and society. The system of the elderly health and welfare management of the elderly schools in Central Thailand in 4 dimensions was 1) the physical dimension was the physical health promotion, food and nutrition, exercises, developing the emotion in the elders such as praying and meditation and Dharma therapy, the annual medical examination, visiting the elders at their homes, and developing the parks for the elders in the exercises. The social dimension focused on the activities in talking, exchanging and learning between the elders in the schools, talking to exchange the knowledge and situation in their daily life, developing the talking skill and listening skill, and providing the activities in the hotline for the elders. The mental dimension did through the process of the activities in psychology, positive thinking, singing, recreation, religion, and Dharma therapy. The intellectual dimension did through the academic activities, the local culture and wisdom, the handicrafts, and the artifacts to promote the elders in the production and searching the market in selling the products. Strengthening the network of the elderly schools on the elderly health and welfare management of the elders in Central Thailand was creating the cooperation network between the public sector, the local administrative organizations, the private sector and the people in the area.


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How to Cite

Boon-on, S. ., ., P., Kemako, P., Samniang, P. ., & Choenram, T. . (2020). Elderly Schools : Management of Elderly Health and Welfare in Central Thailand. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(1), 122–140. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/238088



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