
  • Charoonsri Klumklai Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Lampong Klomkul Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Working Process, Volunteer Monks, Buddhist Psychology


The purposes of this article were 1) to study working process of volunteer monks for society from best practices, 2) to analyze working process of volunteer monks for society based on Buddhist Psychology, and 3) to propose a model of a working process of volunteer monks for society based on Buddhist Psychology. Qualitative research was used for research design. Research tool was interview guideline and data were analyzed by using content analysis and analytic induction. Results indicated that 1) there were five steps of working process of volunteer monks for society from best practices. The process consisted of the first step was to set the target of being volunteer monks, the second step was characteristics of volunteer monks, the third step was to focus on a working process for community, the fourth step was to transfer knowledge to others, and the fifth step was reflection of volunteer working. 2) There were five steps of a working process of volunteer monks for society based on Buddhist Psychology. The process were 2.1) to focus volunteer working, 2.2) to have Dhamma as role model, 2.3) to focus on active activity, 2.4) to build absolute mind, and 2.5) to receive results from volunteer working. 3) A developed model of working process of volunteer monks for society based on Buddhist Psychology consisted of Buddhist principles that used in working process of volunteer monks, namely Brahmavihara 4 and Sangahavatthu 4, and psychological principles for society were esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The working path of the volunteer monks was continuous by helping and alleviating physical suffering introducing the principle of relieving suffering and give morale to those who suffer. The model of working process of volunteer monk for society was called TAPAR model that came from Targeting, Attribute, Process focus, Aim to Convey, and Reflection.


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How to Cite

Klumklai, C., Srikhruedong, S. ., & Klomkul, L. . (2020). A MODEL OF WORKING PROCESS OF VOLUNTEER MONKS FOR SOCIETY BASED ON BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(1), 57–71. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/238151



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