
  • Rattanakan Nimthawa Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Krittikar Sanposh Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Busakorn Suksan Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Strategies, Potential Development, Migrant Labor, Establishment, Contraction Material Store


The purposes of the research were 1) to study the potential and necessity of migrant workers in construction Material business at Udon Thani Province. 2) to strategies for potential developing of migrant workers in construction Material business at Udon Thani Province. and 3) the model and new knowledge of potential developing of migrant workers in construction Material business at Udon Thani Province. This was mixed methodology such as qualitative by using the simple random sampling questionnaire that got sample group from migrant labors in contraction materials establishment 200 persons. Moreover, using statistic, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, need assessment (PNI modified) to study the quality. The interview form is structured using specific sampling by main informant 14 persons. The research used SWOT and content analysis is an overview to get the information.

          The research found that: 1) The potential and necessity of migrant labors’ capability which divided into 5 parts, include (1) knowledge: the migrant labors have less of knowledge and operation (2) skill: the migrant labors have less skill operation or development and improve job responsible (3) attitude: the migrant labors feel good about working in Thailand (4) personality: the migrant labors are not reliable and trustworthy and (5) inside and outside motivation: the migrant labors have attention, intention, satisfaction and they need payment, reward and appreciation. The present, we are expect from the five parts potential of migrant labors, This is an overview in high level such as (1) skill: (2) knowledge: (3) motivation: (4) personality: and (5) attitude. 2) The model strategic the development of strategic projects. Indicators 5 strategic 20 strategic development projects., include (1) three strategic development projects of developing job skills of migrant labors to got effective (2) seven strategic development projects of increase knowledge strategies for the successful operation (3) three strategic development projects of strategy for enhancing working motivation of migrant labors (4) three strategic development projects of strategy to improve the characteristics of migrant labors to suitable for work. and (5) four strategic development projects of creating a positive attitude in working for migrant labors. and assessment results is at the highest level. With an average of more than 4.51. Which has acceptable criteria for suitability ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.97, S.D. gif.latex?\bar{x} = 0.54) and possibility ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.00, S.D. gif.latex?\bar{x} = 0.42) that can practice. 3. The model and new knowledge is use of technology to produce jobs and to educate the law Traffic rules for driving discipline and reducing road accidents


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How to Cite

Nimthawa, R. ., Sanposh, K. ., & Suksan , B. (2020). STRATEGIES FOR POTENTIAL DEVELOPING OF MIGRANT WORKERS IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL BUSINESS AT UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(2), 224–238. Retrieved from



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