
  • Sugulya Horaraung Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Thepprawin Chanraeng Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Poonchai Punthiya Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


An Analytical Study, Buddhist Tourist Activity, Lanna


                The objectives of this dissertation were: 1) to study the concept of tourist activities and tourism in Buddhism, 2) to study the forms of activities of Buddhist tourism in Lanna, and 3) to analytical study the Buddhist tourism in Lanna. It is a qualitative research collecting the field work data by interview 30 key informants in areas of 3 Provinces: Lampang Chiang Mai and Lamphun. Its results were found that: 1) The concept of tourist activities and tourism in Buddhism keep the same meaning of the religious traveling having existed since the Buddha’s time. It is called a pilgrimage. The journey plays the significance on the spirituality, belief and faith, that is the traveling for the preaching the Dhamma, for seeking the Dhamma, to sight seeing the religious symbols. It is affecting to the society, Arts & culture and the economic issue. 2) The forms of activities of Buddhist tourism in Lanna are 4 activities: (1) the Lanna Buddhist historical activities, (2) the beliefs and faith to study the Doctrine of Buddhism, (3) the Arts & Culture and the Local Buddhist Arts, (4) the integration of tourist economy and recreation. 3) Tourism activities in Buddhism dated back to the Buddha's time, known as pilgrimage. It is known as a religious tourism that has told the story of social and human development through social dimensions. The Lanna Buddhist tourism is related to the history of Buddhism and community and society. It is the study of Buddhism in depth on the spirituality, faith and belief in Buddhist principles. It is also related to the local arts culture and the Buddhist arts. It affects to the economy and recreation that is an activity to pay a visit to architecture, sculpture, and painting. The creative tourism is regarded as a valuable religious tourism until the present day.


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How to Cite

Horaraung, . S. ., Chanraeng , . T. ., & Punthiya , P. . (2020). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF BUDDHIST TOURIST ACTIVITIES IN LANNA. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(3), 70–85. Retrieved from



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