
  • Wuchthita Kongdee Western university
  • Suree Jantaramoree Western University


A Causal Relationship Model, Respiratory Tract Disease, Textile And Garment Industry, Employee


               Employees in the bleaching and dyeing industry have the opportunity to experience a variety of health threats that may affect the respiratory system. The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between respiratory tract disease among textile and garment industry employees and personal factors. And environmental factors in the work, with a focus on specific studies in the textile industry, fabric dyeing and printing Research population is Employee of the dyeing and printing industry. The sample size was 220 employees who were permanent employees aged 18-60 years. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire about factors affecting respiratory disease. Is a survey research Analyze the structural equation model using PLS-SEM technique Smart-PLS3. The results of the research showed Personal factors related to respiratory disease were statistically significant, consisting of 6 factors. Including lung capacity, Happiness, Deep sleep, drinking, physical health status Illness and self-purchase of medication, Body mass index. The environmental factors at work consist of 2 factors which are workplace pollution and the presence of pets or animals that are carriers in the workplace. The analysis of the model to check the quality of all 8 variables found that the quality criteria meet all standard variables. Show that all cause factors are predictive related with the occurrence of respiratory diseases. The accuracy of the prognosis of the respiratory system is moderate (R2 = 0.412). The results led to guidelines for the management and employees of Industrial Dyeing. To have self-protection and the security from respiratory tract disease. It helps to know the factors causing respiratory diseases.


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How to Cite

Kongdee, W. ., & Jantaramoree, S. . (2020). A CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP MODEL OF RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASES AMONG THAI TEXTILE AND GARMENT INDUSTRIAL FACTORIES EMPLOYEES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(3), 118–135. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/239768



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