
  • Phramaha Hai Dhammamedhi (Saechua) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Methodology, Research Methodology, Buddhist Studies, Past, Present And Future


               This dissertation entitled ‘Research Methodology for Buddhist Studies’ has three objectives: 1) to study the background of the research methodology, 2) to study the desirable research methodology, and 3) to propose the guidelines of research methodology for Buddhist Studies in the current society. This research employed the Qualitative Research where 1) the descriptive analysis, 2) the interpretation, and 3) the synthesis were done through the content analysis in order.The results of the study were found that: The background of the research methodology for Buddhist Studies was the study of Buddhism in the custom and the academic matter. In a university, the Buddhist Studies were emphasized on the study for certifying the educational qualification. Mostly, the synthesis of the research methodology for Buddhist Studies employed the qualitative research. The desirable research methodology in the western concept and theory used three kinds of research methodology: the Qualitative research, the Quantitative research, and the Mixed Method research. The Buddhist concept utilized the process and framework of Ariyasacca (noble truth). The guidelines of research methodology in the current society are somehow based on the philosophy of Rationalism, Phenomenology, Empiricism, and Realism where the processes of Ariyasacca are made through two periods of the research methodology: the first period used the process of finding the problem or finding the topic of the research in order to apply it in the introduction for defining the problem (Dukkha), investigating the problem (Samudaya) and summarizing. The second period used the process of solving the problem through the deduction from the first period as hypothesis (Nirodha), checking and analyzing (Magga), and solving the problem. And the Researcher would like to introduce the new three research model: conservative research model, applied research model and integrated research model.


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How to Cite

Dhammamedhi (Saechua), P. H. . (2020). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUDDHIST STUDIES: PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(3), 322–337. Retrieved from



Research Articles