Strategic Management, Industrial Software, Automation Engineering, SmartAbstract
The purposes of the study were 1) to determine the strategies for establishing a tertiary institution for software industry and smart engineering system in Thailand 2) to determine the expectation of student enrollment; 3) to determine the labor market and 4) to present the strategies for establishing a tertiary institution for software industry and smart engineering system in Thailand. The study population of the quantity research was 400 person divided teacher 156 and students 244 person and the business of 12 provinces in Thailand. The research 100 persons, the quality research were the educational education 19 persons experts. The method to the research were mixing the quantity research statistics use to analyze the data were percentage, frequency, standard deviation, median, and inter quartile range. The quality research use to the Delphi Technique from the 19 person experts, and Focus group use to 7 Person experts from the factory. Based upon the findings of the study, it was concluded that. 1) The determine the strategies for establishing a tertiary institution for software industry and smart engineering system in Thailand with six factors on Strategies for Establishing a Tertiary Institution for Software Industry and Smart Engineering System in Thailand. Setting up the goals, campus arrangement, curriculum arrangement, personnel staff, rules and regulation study, and marketing tendency study. 2) The expectation of students enrollment to study in establishing a tertiary institution for software industry and smart engineering system found at high level. 3) The future labor market trends was also at high level. 4) To present the principle establishing a Tertiary Institution for Software Industry and Smart Engineering System in Thailand.
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