
  • Puntiwa Kritsadachatree Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Kamalas Phoowachanathipong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Causal Model, Aging Society, Buddhist Psychology, Marketing In The Next Decade


The objectives of this dissertation were 1) to develop a casual model of preparation for aging society based on Buddhist psychology for marketing approach in the next decade; 2) to validate and propose a casual model of preparation for aging society based on Buddhist psychology for marketing approach in the next decade. Multi-phase mixed methods research using a quantitative method to extend qualitative results and EDFR technique of future research was used for research design. Content analysis and analytic induction were used for qualitative analysis. For quantitative data, descriptive statistics and correlation were analyzed by computer package. In addition, the validation of the model with empirical data, direct and indirect effects were analyzed by LISREL program. The research results were as follows: Validated result of a causal model of preparation for aging society based on Buddhist psychology for marketing approach in the next decade showed that developed model fit with empirical data with gif.latex?\chi&space;2 = 80.73, df = 68, p = .138, GFI = .980, AGFI = .960, RMSEA = .019, RMR = .022. Interesting result showed that characteristics of the elderly have indirect effect towards readiness of the elderly to enter the market in the next decade by having concept of Yonisomanasikara as a mediator. Result of the experts’ consensus on a causal model of preparation for aging society based on Buddhist psychology for marketing approach in the next decade using EDFR technique indicated that all items have been accepted the consensus from experts with interquartile range (Q3-Q1) less than 1.50, and the absolute of median and mode difference less than 1.00. Therefore, the developed model showed that the readiness of the elderly to entering the market in the next decade, with the principles of Yonisomanasikara and Kalyanamitra as a component will lead the elderly to be ready for Cosmic dimension (C), Self-Dimension (S), Social and personal relations dimension (S), Spiritual ability (S). It is a C3S model for Smart Aging that effect to mindset of the elderly in the next decade.


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How to Cite

Kritsadachatree, P. ., & Phoowachanathipong, K. . (2020). A CAUSAL MODEL OF PREPARATION FOR AGING SOCIETY BASED ON BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY FOR MARKETING APPROACH IN THE NEXT DECADE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(3), 382–401. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/240218



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