
  • Arnatte Nilkhao Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


A Buddhist Psychological Self Development, States Of Conciliation, True Friends, Learning Organization


The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows: 1) to study Buddhist principle and positive psychology in self-development for learning organization, 2) to create the model of a buddhist psychological self-development model for learning organization. and 3) to determine exactly and present a buddhist psychological self-development model for learning organization. It was a mixed method research using quantitative method expanding to qualitative method. The key informants were the Buddhism experts, Psychologist, total 12 experts, selected by purposive sampling method with the sampling group of 405 samples. Qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis and analytic induction. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation, and to validate model with the empirical data using LISREL program. Research results were shown as follows:

Direct effects to it was found that states of conciliation got the direct effect from a buddhist psychological self development and true friends with the value of .60 and .35 were significant at the .01 level. States of conciliation also got the indirect effects from true friends with the value of .18 was significant at the .01 level. True friends got the direct effect from a buddhist psychological self development with the value of .51 was significant at the .01 level. And learning organization got the direct effect from a buddhist psychological self development with the value of .16 was significant at the .05 level. And got the direct effect from states of conciliation, true friends with the value of .33 and .46 were significant at the .01 level. And learning organization also got the indirect effect form a buddhist psychological self development influcenced by states of conciliation and true friend with the value of .49 and .12 were significant at the .01 level.


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How to Cite

Nilkhao, A. . (2020). A BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF DEVELOPMENT MODEL FOR LEARNING ORGANIZATION. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(3), 53–69. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/240233



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