Dissemination, Buddhism, Multi - Culture of IndiaAbstract
The study “The Buddha’s Dissemination of Buddhism in the Multi-Cultural Context of India” was conducted for two purposes: 1) to investigate India’s multi-cultural context of faiths and religions; and 2) to explore Buddha’s methods of religious dissemination in India’s multi-cultural context of faiths and religions. Documentary research were used in this investigation. The findings are as follows. In Buddha’s time, India had as many as 62 groups of religions, faiths and sects, each having a different set of concepts and practices. Buddha stated that these beliefs subjected people to a whirlpool of wrong view that prevented them from true freedom from sufferings. Among that context of India, Buddha intended to disseminate the doctrine of the truth and liberation from all sufferings, which he had obtained through his enlightenment, in order to help people experience true happiness and religious benefits. Buddha’s another intention was to establish, propagate and consummate Buddhism. To fulfil these two intentions, Buddha adopted the proactive strategy and integrated a holistic of these five dimensions: 1) Organization Management, emphasized structural systematization, sangha governing system, intra - organizational relations, personnel quality, and knowledge management; 2) Religious Doctrines, emphasized both transcendental and morality levels; 3) Dissemination, emphasized classification of dharma concept, art of rhetoric, and application of teaching strategies; 4) Religious Network Expansion, emphasized an approach to leaders who were ready to be enlightened; and 5) Social Relations Management, emphasized balance between Buddhist realm and power of state, peace and mercy, protection of the purity of Buddhism, and organizational stability.
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