
  • Sawitree Sangsook Office of The Basic Education Commission
  • Pitsamai Robchanachai Poolsuk Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University
  • Chatphum Sichomphoo Uttaradit Rajabhat University


Driven Process, Public School, Excellence


The purpose of this research was to create driven process for public schools to excellence. The research procedure followed 4 phrases. Phase 1 was to study operating conditions and missions of public schools. The data were 18 experts. They were asked to review with the Delphi technique. The statistical devices used for the analysis of data were median and interquartile range. The statistical devices used for analyzing the data were mean and standard deviation. Phase 2 was to create and validate the driven process of public schools to excellence by studying 3 successful schools and drafting the process by school directors, teachers, and stakeholders of 3 schools in the workshops. The process appropriateness was organized through connoisseurship with the experts. Phase 3 was to evaluate the process by 92 public school directors, and the data were analyzed into arithmetic mean and standard deviation. Phase 4 was to conduct a manual, proposal, and practical policy of using the process by doing the connoisseurship and expert validation and analyzing data through arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The research results revealed that:    1) The operating conditions and missions of public schools were found that the missions of public schools were analyzed with internal factors, current conditions, as well as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of public school operation. Then the schools planned to manage their set work, educational quality development plan, plan annual action, and prepare the management structure. They also prepared the information of agencies as well as disseminated the results of operations to all involved parties. 2) To create and validate that could be summarized into. 3) The evaluation level of driven process for public schools to excellence was found at the highest levels in terms of suitability, possibility, and usefulness. 4) The results of the manual, proposed policy, and practical policy of using process for public driven schools to excellence. The evaluation of manual was validated at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Sangsook, S. ., Robchanachai Poolsuk, P., & Sichomphoo, C. . (2020). DRIVEN PROCESS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TO EXCELLENCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(1), 226–239. Retrieved from



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