
  • Prakrusirisudhammavong (Tuempong Matrnonk) Mahachulalingkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhon Sawan Campus


Model, academic administration, Phrapariyattidhamma schools, Lower Northern Provinces


The objectives of the research were: 1) to study the state of the academic administration 2) to make the academic administration model  and 3) to evaluate the academic administration model of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, Pali Studies, in Lower Northern Provinces.  This research was divided into 3 steps: the 1st step was to study the state of the academic administration from 20 Key Informants by using the Semi-structured Interview and the content analysis. The 2nd step was to make the academic administration model from 9 experts by Focus Group Discussion and the content analysis. Moreover, the 3rd step was to evaluate the academic administration model from 10 school administrators in Phrapariyattidhamma schools, Pali Studies, in 3 Lower Northern Provinces: Kamphaeng Phet, Phichit, and Nakhon Sawan by using the evaluation form in 4 aspects: accuracy, suitability, possibility, and utilization. The statistics used Frequency and Percentage..

          The research found that 1) the academic administration conditions of the Paliatic Scripture School, Pali department In the lower northern provinces, it is found that 1. Curriculum is a curriculum in accordance with the policy of Mae Kong Sanam Luang. 2. in the teaching and learning activities In accordance with the school's policy 3. The teacher is the duty of the head teacher to be a report to the school office. 4. Regarding the teaching and learning factors the budget that the government has allocated to the Pali School of Buddhist Scriptures, Pali department is still very small, should support more budget. The way to Pali Sanam Luang Will consider the Pali Examination Control Committee, both central and regional Set date, time / month / year Examination locations shall be in accordance with regulations. 2)The results of the academic administration model found that there are 5 aspects which consist of 1. Curriculum format 2. The form of teaching and learning activities 3. The form of teaching 4. The form of teaching and support factors 5. The form of measurement and evaluation.3) he results of the form evaluation showed that the evaluation of all 4 aspects in all 5 forms in the overall level was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

(Tuempong Matrnonk), P. (2020). A MODEL OF ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION AT PRAPARIYATTIDHAMMASCHOOLS, PALI STUDIES, IN LOWER NORTHERN PROVINCES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(4), 115–126. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/240669



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