Customers’ Decision-Making in Purchasing Online-Goods : A Case Study of Khon Kaen Municipality


  • Chongko Donladpun Khon Kaen University
  • Vissanu Zumitzavan Khon Kaen University


Consumer Goods, Online Media, Online Marketing Mix, E - Marketing


The objective of this research is to provide recommendations on how to increase levels of satisfactions of the consumers through the decision - making to purchase products via the online channel and online Marketing Mix (6P’s) of the respondents residing in Khon Kaen municipality. Samples are the consumers living in Khon Kaen municipality composing of 400 respondents participating in answering the survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The statistical tools are applied to analyze the data comprising the Descriptive Statistics and the Multiple Regression Analysis. The findings indicate that the levels of satisfactions of the customers are significantly related to the online Marketing Mix (6P’s) including a product, price, distribution channel, promotion, maintaining privacy and personal service. Therefore, an Electronic Transactions Development Agency (Public Organization) may need to consider developing the standard of the online Marketing Mix (6P’s) for online businesspeople to be able to offer the products more precisely to suit the needs of customers. For instance, there would be more variety of the products, customers need to be able to negotiate the price of products, the added distribution channels should be payable through delivery channels. Future research may need to consider lengthening the findings of this study to investigate with the greater volumes of samples, such as communities remotely away from the city center by focusing on the patterns of online-selling consumer products. In addition, applying in - depth interview would also be useful to attain the more insightful data. At the same time, the future research may need to add other variables related to the internet network and the model of selling online product.


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How to Cite

Donladpun, C., & Zumitzavan , V. . (2020). Customers’ Decision-Making in Purchasing Online-Goods : A Case Study of Khon Kaen Municipality. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(6), 118–131. Retrieved from



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