
  • Pornsri Boonsaibua Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist psychological, Vipassana-Kammatthana (meditation) by Four Foundations of Mindfulness, Empowerment, Monks Health Behavior


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study Buddhist concepts and theories about psychology and contemporary psychology 2) to develop the conceptual framework for the empowerment process in Buddhist psychology and 3) to verify the validity of the Buddhist psychological empowerment process. This study was mixed method research such as quantitative by using simple random sampling questionnaires. The sample was selected from sick monk who came to receive treatment services at outpatient department of Priest Hospital by total of 250 persons and also using statistical, frequency, percentage, mean and Pearson's correlation coefficient, standard deviation, chi-square methods and qualitative were used in the semi - structured interview with specific sampling. A main sample was selected from representatives who have knowledge and experience about Vipassana - Kammatthana (meditation) practice, psychology and treatment for the priest that divided into 3 groups such as 1) Buddhism 2) psychology and 3) Priest Hospital team , the total of 11 person. The data was analysis on content and summaries on the overview. Results of the study were as follows: 1) The concepts and theories such as 1.1 Vipassana-Kammatthana (meditation) practice 1.2 empowerment 1.3 supporting factors and 1.4 appropriate health behaviors for the ill monks. 2. Creating a process of empowerment in Buddhist psychology by 2 variables such as 1) internal variable such as Vipassana-Kammatthana (meditation) practice and empowerment, and 2) external variable such as supporting factors and behaviors of ill monks that found 348.79 chi-square, the degrees of freedom are 84 and the probability (p) is .000. 3. To verify the validity of the Buddhist psychological empowerment process means four foundations of mindfulness (Satipahna) and supporting factors found the influence with .28 and .29 with statistical significance at the level of .01 and monks health behavior found directly influenced by empowerment and supporting factors Influences with .38 and .40 with statistical significance at the .01 level.


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How to Cite

Boonsaibua, P. . (2020). THE PROCESS OF EMPOWERMENT BY BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY FOR HEALTH BEHAVIOR CHANGES . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(6), 442–457. Retrieved from



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