
  • Wiboon Rattanaphonwong Sukothai Thammathirat University
  • Waraporn Rungreungkolkich Sukothai Thammathirat University
  • Chamnian Rajphaetyakhom Sukothai Thammathirat University
  • Supamas Angsuchoti Sukothai Thammathirat University


Poverty, Poverty Solving, Community Poverty, Model Development


The research aims to develop the model for solving poverty in a community in Thailand and to verify the model with the empirical data in the sample community. This research is a Mixed Methods Research with related literature review drafted as the model for poverty solving, and the empirical data is verified by querying 181 heads of departments who are responsible for poverty solving and impoverished households in 10 provinces that have the highest statistics of the poor with 400 households. The statistical method used for quantitative data analysis is frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and the structural equation modeling analysis. The focus groups in 6 community from 6 regions of Thailand are also appointed, along with the empirical data checking with of 2 impoverished community in Chumphon province by using community condition form and activity program form. The research shows that the developed model consisted of 4 variables which were 1) Government measures 2) Personal and household behaviors 3) Community guidelines and 4) Goals against poverty. These variables are consistent with quantitative data and the focus groups discussion. This model can solve the poverty in a community. The Examination of the model shows that two villages consistent with the empirical data.


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How to Cite

Rattanaphonwong, W. ., Rungreungkolkich, W. ., Rajphaetyakhom , C. ., & Angsuchoti, S. (2020). THE MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY POVERTY SOLVING IN THAILAND. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(4), 261–280. Retrieved from



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