Financial Planning For Retirement, Private Employees, Eastern Economic AreaAbstract
This article has a purpose. to study 1) Problems and obstacles in financial planning for retirement of private employees in the eastern economic area of Thailand, 2) factors affecting financial planning after retirement, and 3) development of guidelines. Financial planning after retirement It is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. Use the interview form Data were collected from 4 groups of experts, consisting of 1) 5 experts and experts in post-retirement financial planning, 2) 5 senior officials of government agencies, and 3) academics or from non-profit organizations 5 And 4) 5 representatives of retirees, a total of 20 people. The quantitative research uses a population questionnaire and sample groups are retirees of private employees. In the Eastern Economic Area, 400 people were randomly selected according to the zoning of 4 provinces, namely Chon Buri, Chanthaburi, Rayong and Trad. Each week, 100 people were conveniently selected. The results of the research showed that 1) Problems and obstacles in financial planning after retirement of private employees Which to prepare for retirement Important to the success in retirement financial planning of private employees is to assess the financial situation from income, expenses, assets, liabilities and savings that are available. Income and expenses are prepared. Setting clear goals for how much money is needed. How much does the amount of savings require? 2) All 3 factors are 2.1) Investment 2.2) Money saving 2.3) Prepare for retirement The coefficient values of 0.321, 0.231 and 0.196, respectively, influenced the retirement financial planning of private employees. Statistical significance at the level of 0.05 can be estimated at 77.6% 3) The financial planning plan for retirement for private employees consists of 3 areas which are 3.1) investment 3.2) saving 3.3) preparation for retirement
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