
  • Chortip tatanung Bangkok Mass Transit Authority
  • Suebpong suksom Bangkok Mass Transit Authority


Management, Effectiveness, Bangkok Mass Transit Authority


         This article of methods between qualitative research and quantitative research. To study the management effectiveness of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) and study the effectiveness problems of management   of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA), Use questionnaires and in – depth  interviews as a research tool, The sample is representative of the population. Being an employee of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA), 357 samples and The qualitative research data providers were. Director BMTA Executive Group leader/BMTA supervisor 23 people. by purposive sampling The findings prove that: The effectiveness of management of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA), in general, is in the high level. Problems in the effectiveness of management of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA). Found that: 1) Organizational communication problems for example, the problem is not cooperated until the data cannot be used as the basis for the organization's policy goals and directions. 2) The regulatory agencies have inconsistent policies and objectives. Between the Ministry of Transport that focuses on public services and the Ministry of Finance that focuses on profits. 3) Changing the policy of the BMTA to buy or rent a bus in the last 10 years, found that there has been a change. 4) Problems from the organizational structure of the bureaucratic organization have created inefficient public services. and 5) The problem of lack of manpower in the computer field is system analysis and design department. Program and Machine and Service Operation Department System Design Analysis Department and technology risk management issues that may create security loopholes Authenticity And the availability of the service system.


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How to Cite

tatanung , C. . . ., & suksom, S. . . (2020). MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS OF BANGKOK MASS TRANSIT AUTHORITY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(4), 1–15. Retrieved from



Research Articles