School Administrators’ Competencies, Academic Performance of the Educational Institutions, Regional Education Office No. 4Abstract
The objectives of this article were to study 1) the school administrators’ competencies in areas of responsibility under Regional Education Office No. 4, 2) the academic performance of the educational institutions in areas of responsibility under Regional Education Office No. 4, and 3) the school administrators’ competencies affecting to the academic performance of the educational institutions in areas of responsibility under Regional Education Office No. 4. The data analysis unit was 1,780 educational institutions in areas responsibility under Regional Education Office No. 4. The sample size was 317 educational institutions based on the Krejcie and Morgan's sample size determination table. There were 6 informants from each school, for a total of 1,902 informants. The research instrument used questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The research results revealed that: 1) As regards the school administrators’ competencies in areas of responsibility under Regional Education Office No. 4 were overall at a high level. When considering in each aspect, the morality and ethics of school administrators were at the highest average scores, followed by the educational planning, and academic administration was at the lowest average scores. 2) As regards the academic performance of the educational institutions in areas of responsibility under Regional Education Office No. 4 were overall at a high level. When considering in each aspect, the learning process was at the highest average scores, followed by the school curriculum, and academic was served to individuals, families, organizations, or other sectors was at the lowest average scores. 3) As regards the school administrators’ competencies affecting to the academic performance of the educational institutions in areas of responsibility under Regional Education Office No. 4 consisted of 4 variables as follows: 3.1 principles and the educational administration process, 3.2 educational planning, 3.3 academic administration, and 3.4 the student affairs administration with a statistical significance of .01 level.
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