
  • Phra Jumnong Pompai Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Yupaporn Yupas Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Pakdee Phosing Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Temple, Promotion of Religious Tourism, Mekong River


                This research aimed 1) to study the temple potential and tourism promotion on the Mekong River 2) to analyze potential of temple and tourism promotion on the Mekong river 3) to development a model for the temple and tourism promotion on the Mekong river. This research is a quantitative method. The research had 3 phases. The first phase was to use document research and the interview with 10 experts / person. 2) The second phase was to use factors affecting the temple and tourism promotion on the Mekong river by creating a questionnaire data were collected from a sample group of 382 people, data were collected from 10 target groups of 382 people. 3) The third phase was to use reate a model for the temple and tourism promotion on the Mekong river by using structural equation analysis And confirmatory component analysis of the model. The findings were 1) factors affecting the tourism promotion success of temples on the Mekong river, there are 3 factors which are external, internal, and promoting factors in 6 aspects. 2) the potential for tourism promotion of temples on the Mekong river has 4 indicators, which are 2.1) Place management 2.2) Environmental arrangement 2.3) Cultural value and local people's way of life 2.4) Value Historical. 3) model temple development and tourism promotion on the Mekong river consists of 2 main components, 10 sub-elements and 75 indicators, the main components consist of 1) success indicators 2) promotion indicators confirmed by the equation and confirmatory component analysis of the model at a good level according to the assumptions.


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How to Cite

Pompai, P. J. . ., Yupas, Y. ., & Phosing, . P. . (2020). TEMPLES AND TOURISM PROMOTION ON THE MEKONG RIVER. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(5), 158–170. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/241316



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