
  • Sriparinya Toopgrajank Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


The Royal Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Border Patrol Police (BPP.), Way of life


          The objective of this article is to study 1) level of knowledge, attitude, and behavior to bring the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to the way of life of Border Patrol Police. 2) knowledge and attitudes towards the Sufficient Economy Philosophy affecting the behavior of applying the philosophy to the way of life of Border Patrol Police and 3) guidelines for applying the Sufficient Economy Philosophy of the Border Patrol Police to distribute to people in the area. Mainly using quantitative research together with qualitative research. The quantitative sample was border patrol police, which were teachers at the 371 from Border Patrol Police School and 17 the main informants of the Border Patrol Police Bureau.The research showed that 1) Border Patrol Police (BPP) have the knowledge of the philosophy of the sufficiency economy and have the behavior to apply the philosophy of the sufficiency economy to the way of life of the border patrol police at the highest level, while the attitude towards the philosophy of the sufficiency economy has a high level. 2) Attitudes significantly affect the behavior of sufficiency economy philosophy towards the border patrol police way of life in the same direction. While,the knowledge affects behavior and attitudes with no statistical significance, it is explained that attitude variables are more important than knowledge variables.3) Guidelines for bringing the philosophy of sufficiency economy to the way of life of border patrol police have been distributed to the local people, behavior, model, develop oneself, and be self-reliant ready to face various situations in the wilderness. There is communication of concepts and coordination with various activities with students, parents and expanding to the community.


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How to Cite

Toopgrajank, S. (2020). APPLYING THE ROYAL SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY PHILOSOPHY TO THE WAY OF LIFE OF THE BORDER PATROL POLICE (BPP.). Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(8), 123–140. Retrieved from



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