
  • Pongsawut Rachjun Roi Et Rajabhat University


Community, Locality, State, Local Government


“The community was established before the province, Province set up community before state, and The state was established before the unification of the country,” from the words of “Alexis De Tocqueville”. This article examines the need and importance of local government in the political regime of the local community, especially community democracy. The concept and theory of governance indicate that the government is a mechanism of public administration. In addition, the government has various duties on the country administration for a good life of its citizens as well as national security in political, economic, and social dimensions. It will be impossible to look after and service over all local communities because the problem of lateness in processing includes budget limitation and staff maybe happens and it does not accept the need of each local community. Thus, reducing the government workload by providing people participate in self-government, will meet the expressed need for each local community. for the reason Therefore can see that. The state has outstanding representative is the federal government so reducing the burden of federal government by allowing people in the local community truly participate in self - government. Giving priority to local community and state respectively. As said “Alexis De Tocqueville” responding to the needs of the local community will get convenient fast and line with the aspiration of the local community

          These finding indicated that “community, locality, and public” are related and highly important to local government.


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How to Cite

Rachjun, P. . (2020). COMMUNITY LOCAL STATE: LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO RELATIONSHIP. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(8), 16–35. Retrieved from



Academic Article