Strategies, Teachers Competency, English Language Learning ManagementAbstract
This article is objectives to study 1) the components of the English language learning management competency of primary school teachers in Khon Kaen, 2) the current and the desirable conditions of the development strategies of the above-stated competency, and 3) to develop the desired competency development strategies. The research used mixed-methods approach. The samples were school directors, teacher of primary schools in Khon Kaen with the total number of 399 persons. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD.), and needs assessment index (PNI modified).The research results were as follows: 1) With regard to the components, six key components were found. Those are 1.1) communication, 1.2) learning process management, 1.3) utilization of technology, 1.4) evaluation and measurement, 1.5) collaboration, and 1.6) self-development. 2) As for the current condition of the competency development, in all, the level of practice is at moderation. When considering each and individual aspect, all are at moderate level. Regarding the desirable condition, all aspects are, in all, at the highest level. When considering each and individual aspect, all are also at the highest level. 3) Strategies for Developing Teachers Competency in English Language Learning Management of Primary School in Khon Kaen Province had consisted of 6 strategies, 16 measures and 44 indicators. Those are 1) Increasing capacity in using media and technology. 2) up raising learning management process. 3) Upgrading communication ability in English usage to be up to universal standard. 4) Raising capacity to keep up with change in the digital age. 5) Upgrading evaluation and measurement of various means. 6) Increasing collaboration competency for enhancement of positive social relations.
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