Policy, Service Delivery, Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS)Abstract
The purpose of this research was to study the effect of the implementation of policy on service delivery of Bangkok Mass Transit System by measuring the satisfaction of service recipients in terms of routing, service development and the connection side of the extension. This study was conducted through mix methods. The samples of 400 BTS customers. Descriptive statistics were applied and compared the differences by t-test and One - Way ANOVA test and multiple regression analysis was also administered. Statistical significance level was set at .05. Analyzed qualitative research by data Triangulation; documents, personal and theoretical data. There are 50 key informants of the qualitative study including Bangkok administrators, BTS administrators, local politicians, academics and BTS customers. It was found from the study that electric train was the concept of the government to reduce traffic jam. The project of 10 rail lines was planned in Bangkok and its vicinity. Master Plan routes and train stations were considered from the demand of the customers. The problem found was that the fare was not consistent with the income of the customers. Overall, customers have high level of satisfaction. According to level of satisfaction from high to low the customers opinion can be tiered as follows: connection of the routes, routing and service. From the findings, customers with different gender, income, age, or status have different level of satisfaction. Customers with different occupations have the same level of satisfaction. The result of multiple regression analysis found that gender and age affect the positive opinion towards the satisfaction of implementing the Bangkok Mass Transit System service delivery policy.
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