
  • Keatisak Sang arun Thammasat University


Buddha - Dhamma, Dhammmadhipateyya, Democratic Innovation in School


The objectives of this mixed methods research (quasi – experimental) are 1) to study the state of the democratic process management in the classroom and schools at the basic education level 2) to analyze buddha-dhamma that related to the democracy, and 3) to propose a model for the application of the buddha-dhamma to develop democratic innovation in the classrooms, basic education. Sample groups include the administrators of 9 schools in Bangkok and suburbs and 27 students in Mattayomsuksa 1 of Thammasat Secondary School. The researcher studied the operating conditions of 9 schools, analyzed the buddha-dhamma to be used in organizing democratic development activities in the classroom, use questionnaires and interview forms to collect data including analyzing content from focus group discussions. The quantitative data, the researcher used the frequency distribution method, then found the percentage / average value; for qualitative data, used content analysis. The results showed that the democratic classroom activities had the highest mean ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.36, S.D. = 0.50). The researcher found that the seven principles of Aparihaniyadhamma are the most referenced. After the applying of the principles, most students think that everyone has equal rights and freedom ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.55 S.D. = 0.51). The experts have provided opinions as an essential guideline for applying buddha - dhamma to develop democratic innovations in the classroom of basic education as follows: 1) the development or promotion of democracy among youths must lead to their way of life 2) Saraniya Dhamma is the Buddhist doctrine that should be carried out in parallel with the Aparihaniyadhamma 3) the development of democratic innovation in the school is the duty of everyone in the school and  4) the new generation of children are ready to learn and behave in more democratic ways. If the school can put it into practice by introducing with small units such as in the classroom, it will be another practical way to promote sustainable innovation for democratic development in Thai society.


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How to Cite

Sang arun, K. . . . (2020). THE PATTERN OF APPLICATION OF BUDDHA - DHAMMA TO DEVELOPMENT OF DEMOCRATIC INNOVATION IN SCHOOLS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(7), 139–152. Retrieved from



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