
  • Vannak Sorn Mahasarakham University
  • Rachan Nillawannapha Mahasarakham University


Prak Chum Rueng Preng Khmer, Representation of Nature, Cambodian Folktales


This research study aims to study the representing nature in the Cambodian folk tales translated in Thai version in which it was published in 1997 by Buddhist Institute of Cambodian.By studying document research Through information on Cambodian folk tales, consisting of 8 stories, such as 1) Krung Oudong 2) The God of water and the God of mountain 3) Krung Phnom Penh     4) The white elephant king 5) Crocodile and cart driver 6) Bald Head God 7) Tani banana tree and 8) Slice and betel tree. The result of the Study is as follows: The Cambodian folktale reflects many aspects of the representing natural images. Therefore, the researcher has divided issues of studying physical representing natural images into 3 points, namely 1) The representing natural images as a reality of the sacred world which is a symbol of the universe. 2) The representing nature images as knowledge and food ant the reflecting the topography, water resources, mountains, marshes, rivers and thought systems. The Traditional beliefs and the life of the Khmer people and 3) The representing natural images as a teacher of moral and ethics from the analysis of the representing natural images in Cambodian Folktales. It shows the design of the representing natural images in the Cambodian folktales in which it was considered as wisdom from observation, learning and coexistence with nature of community and farmers. Thus, those stories have been narrated from one people to another from the stories which have significances for the development of folk tales to be a completely perfect story taking the natural context divided into categorical nature.

Author Biography

Vannak Sorn, Mahasarakham University

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How to Cite

Sorn, V., & Nillawannapha, R. . (2020). PRAK CHUM RUENG PRENG KHMER: REPRESENTATION OF NATURE IN CAMBODIAN FOLKTALES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(8), 196–210. Retrieved from



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