
  • ปียกนิษฐ์ สาธารณ์ Mahasarakham University
  • Rachan Nillawanapha Mahasarakham University


Discourse, Ecological Discourse, Temporary Lao Short Stories


          This research paper is an analysis of ecological Discourses in contemporary Lao literature, a collection of Lao language version short stories "Vinyan Sa-euhn". This is a qualitative research by researching all the literature documentaries through study the chapter of novelette, Laos social contexts. Moreover, studying the documents which related with the idea of Ecological Discourse through consideration process the chapter as Discourse stage. Then, present this study in the descriptive analysis format. The research findings found 4 ecological Discourses as the following. 1) Ecological Discourse in term of the forest legal. This reflected the law protecting wildlife and trees to control the natural degradation. The ecological Discourse caused people to fear breaking the law and dare not to commit mistakes. 2) Ecological Discourse in term of anti-capitalist Discourse is a Discourse that has an idea that nature is a trading product. It also gave readers direction to figure out the effects of destroying natural resources that lead to ecological consciousness 3) Ecological Discourse in term of nature as a superstitious belief, and sacred things. It is a Discourse that believes that wildlife and trees is respectable things something that can save humans. Such concepts result in humans being afraid and dare not to invade the nature. 4) The ecological Discourse in term of human as the natural destroyer. It was a concept that animals were made to be human-like creature and feels like humans, so humans shouldn't invade the nature. From the above Discourse, the researcher found that the writers used the Discourse as a medium to convey the concept of ecological awareness to the readers and it was also the Discourse that consistent with Laos government's natural resource preservation policy.


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How to Cite

สาธารณ์ ป., & Nillawanapha, R. . (2020). ECOLOGICAL DISCOURSES IN CONTEMPORARY LAO SHORT STORIES "VINYAN SA - EUHN". Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(8), 297–315. Retrieved from



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