Challenges, Discharging Duties, Female Police Commissioned OfficerAbstract
The objective of this research paper is to study problems and obstacles in the Discharging Duties by Female Police Commissioned Officer. And development guidelines to promote the performance of Female Police Commissioned Officer to be more effective. Use an integrated research methodology for qualitative research and quantitative research the tools used were in-depth interview form. The key informants are experts in the project. And 15 female police cadets analyzed and presented quantitative data by descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation Qualitative sections presented analytical descriptive forms. Result of Barriers to find 1) work place environment where the investigation process has stringent timelines Ans is subject to many rules and regulations that sometime are seen as hindering factor of their performance2)spirit of the personnel in discharging their duties 3) problems involving in chain of command and management of overlapping authority and 4) problems involving in investigation works especially their independence in investigation or giving opinion to the case as well as technical knowledge not adequately covering for the assigned cases relating to children, female, juvenile and family.
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