Female, Religion, Social Perspective, Bhikkhuni, Religious ActivityAbstract
The purposes of this article were 1) to study the principles and development of the ordination of Theravada Buddhist Bhikkhuni in Thailand. 2) to study the social perspectives towards religious activities of Theravada Bhikkhuni in Thailand and 3) to analyze social perspectives on religious activities of Theravada Bhikkhuni in Thailand. This research was a qualitative research focus on document and field study. The sample consisted of 12 persons. The presentation was by the analytical description. The results of the research were found as follows: the principles and development of the ordination of Theravada Buddhist Bhikkhuni in Thailand. Most Thai women are ordained as Theravada Bhikkhuni in Sri Lanka. They are ordained by two main sects, namely the Bhikkhuni and monks. As for the Bhikkhuni who are ordained in Thailand, they are a combination of two main sects of monks and two denominations: Theravada and Mahayana sect. The status of Theravada bhikkhuni has not been recognized by the Thai Sangha. As the social perspectives on religious activities of Theravada Bhikkhuni in Thailand. Society sees the role of the keeper of the Dharma, spreading Buddhist principles, being social spiritual center, being a religious leader, and capable of attaining Dharma. The analysis of social perspectives towards religious activities of Theravada Bhikkhuni in Thailand. Society perspectives the religious activities of Theravada Bhikkhuni in Thailand that Buddhist Bhikkhuni can carry out Buddhist activities. And is suitable both the main role is to follow the dharma teachings Buddhist rituals and the propagation of Buddhism, the secondary role is social work promotion and conservation of arts, culture and environment.
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