Happiness, Volunteer Spirit, Ban Pa - O Community, BuddhismAbstract
The purposes of this article were 1) to study the process of happiness by volunteer spirit according to Buddhism, 2) to develop the process of creating happiness by volunteer spirit in Ban Pa - O community, Singhanakhon District, Songkhla Province and 3) to analyze the creation of happiness by volunteer spirit according to Buddhism. This research was a qualitative research focus on document and field study. The research instrument was in - depth interview. The sample consisted of 20 persons. The presentation was by the analytical description. The results of the research were found as follows: The process of creating happiness by volunteer spirit in accordance with Buddhism. This is due to the influence of Buddhist doctrines that focus on the human mind, be generous and selfless is someone who aims to benefit others Is a very hospitable person, pure heart. The doctrines related to creating happiness through volunteerism are: Sanggahavatthu 4, Iddhipadha 4, Garavasadhamma 4, Saranyyadhamma 6 and Brahma Vihara 4 as a guideline of practice. The development of the process of creating happiness with voluntary spirit of Ban Pa-O community, Singhanakhon District, Songkhla Province, whereby Ban Pa-O community people have behaviors that are ready to sacrifice for the public. Both physical and mental strength, be generous, kindness, diligence, patience, honesty Enthusiasm for helping others There were adults in the community as an example to follow in various areas, including helping others. The sacrifice to society and development commitment when analyzing the creation of happiness by volunteering according to Buddhism, it was found that the practice of volunteering with pure mind. Helping others without expecting rewards, make sacrifices for society and strive to improve the quality of life for everyone to achieve peace and tranquility.
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