Cognitive Behavior Modification, Children and Adolescents, Criminal Juvenile Delinquency, Buddhist Intelligence in YonisomanasikaraAbstract
The objectives of this article are as follows : 1) To study the conditions of criminal juvenile delinquency of children and adolescents ; and theories of cognitive behavior modification by intelligence 2) To study the methods for cognitive behavior modification by Buddhist Intelligence in Yonisomanasikara. 3) To integrate ways of cognitive behavior modification of children and adolescents in criminal juvenile delinquency by Buddhist Intelligence in Yonisomanasikara 4 ) To present knowledge assets Behavior Modification of Children and Adolescents in Criminal Juvenile Delinquency by Buddhist Intelligence in Yonisomanasikara. This research was a qualitative one based documentary research an in-depth interviews, the result of this research shows that 1) the reasons why children and adolescents commit a crime are caused from internal factors such as understanding, values, attitudes or intellectual behaviors which affect external behaviors. 2) Cognitive Behavior Modification by Buddhist Intelligence in Yonisomanasikara is a process of thinking to solve problems consisting of Sammathitthi (right understanding) as a key. This will help children and adolescents live with consciousness (having the presence of mind). 3) the integration of Cognitive Behavior Modification by Buddhist Intelligence in Yonisomanasikara includes the process of practicing thinking to solve problems. This is divided into 4 steps : Step 3.1) Identify problems: to detect the real causes of the problems to make resolutions and prevent them to occur again. Step 3.2) Identify goals/targets of life: to plan to achieve their goals/targets of life. Step 3.3) Implement the plan to achieve the goals/targets of life. Step 3.4) Repeat those steps: to help create positive thinking, to be familiar with this practice, create consciousness and the will to strengthen morality and ethics. Therefore, the skill to solve the problems through Buddhist Intelligence in Yonisomanasikara leads to desirable external behavior and create Buddhist internal intelligence. This is served as an everlasting immunity for children and adolescents to live in the digital era or the twenty-first century with strong hearts and minds.
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