
  • Sanyapong Limprasert Rungsit University
  • Veenunkarn Rujiprak Mahidol University
  • Yodsawadi Thipphayamongkoludom Thailand Institute of Justice


Sexual Abuse, Violent, Children and Youth


                This research aims to explore sexual abuse experiences among children and youth under 18 – year - old, and investigating the relationship between sex, age, family status and sexual abuse. This study is an exploratory research towards the use of questionnaires. The population was grade 7-12 students. These schools were in Bangkok and its vicinity, and there were 2,443 samples in total. The findings revealed that only a small minority of students had experienced sexual victimization. Nonetheless, the most evident sexual violation behaviors included molestation and inappropriate touching without consent, following by unsuccessful acts of sexual harassment by force, threat of force, or seduction, respectively. The least observable sexual violation behavior was rape by physical force. In terms of perpetrators, adolescents tended to be sexually violated by peer the most, following by relatives, neighbors, and partners, respectively. However, some of them were sexually violated by strangers, and only a small minority was sexually assaulted by fathers, stepmothers and full siblings. Regarding the crime scenes, most of the sexual violations occurred in someone’s residence, following by schools. The incidents usually occurred when the victims were left alone with the offenders. Furthermore, the result found that sex, age group and family status were significantly associated with sexual violent. Female and children and youth age between 16 – 17 year were more likely to be a risk of victimized, the same as those who was not living with parent was more likely be experienced sexual abused. The results of this research can contribute to the guidance for related agencies to further develop preventive measures for sexual violations among adolescents.


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How to Cite

Limprasert, S. ., Rujiprak, V. ., & Thipphayamongkoludom, Y. . (2020). SEXUAL ABUSE AMONG CHILDREN AND YOUTH. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(9), 230–246. Retrieved from



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