Curriculum Development, Learning Design, STEAM Education, Local wisdomAbstract
The Objectives of this article were to develop a curriculum emphasizing learning design as STEAM Education based on local wisdom for student teachers had an effectiveness than the set benchmark of 75/75 and to study the effectiveness of the curriculum .The research was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle was conducted with a pilot group of students in the Bachelor of Education program in the second semester of the 2018 academic year. The second cycle in this research consisted of 25 fourth-year students in the Bachelor of Education program at Suratthani Rajabhat University, using extract cluster sampling in the first semester of the 2019 academic year.The data were analyzed with a one sample t-test and the Repeated-Measure ANOVA. The results of the study on the effectiveness of the curriculum used information from the following : 1) The curriculum emphasizing learning design as STEAM education based on local wisdom for student teachers found that the curriculum had an effectiveness of 80/86.92 which was higher than the set benchmark of 75/75. 2) The effectiveness of the curriculum were as follows the comparison after the experiment between the mean of ability learning design in STEAM Education based on the local wisdom and the innovative skills of student teachers and a 75% standard criterion was different at a statistically significant level and each student teacher compared the different levels of awareness based on local wisdom. in the period before the study, during the study and after study, it was found that there were different levels of awareness based on local wisdom, with at least one pair with statistical significance. (F = 178.49, df = 2, p < .001)
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