
  • Naruemon Dam-orn Silpakorn University
  • Chaiyos Paiwithayasiritham Silpakorn University


Model, Community Network Management, Food Security


This article is intended: 1) to study the community network management process. 2) To study the factors, success conditions, problems and obstacles of community network management. And 3) to develop the community network management model. This was mixed methods research by Multisite Multi-case research process with 3 phases. Phase 1 the current state of the management process and questionnaires. By involved in community network management and food security total of 100 communities. Phase 2 the management process and factors, success conditions, problems and obstacles. By structured interview is a prototype community, consisting of 4 communities. And phase 3 management elements by questionnaires is a scholar of 10 persons. Use statistics, percentage, average and standard deviation. By analyzing the content and summarizing.      The results of research are found as follows: 1) the management process is Aware of problems and consciousness forming a network, relationship development, treatment and continuity, create mutual covenants and management. 2) The factors, success conditions, problems and obstacles is: 1. The conditions of success are: 1) internal conditions, namely food resource base problems, awareness, change leadership, benefits, incentives, data management, activities and continuous development. 2) The external factor is the support from agencies. And 2. problems and obstacles include: 1) Internal factors are unfavorable community environments, economic status, ideas and personal beliefs, lack of new knowledge, and participate in budget activities. 2) External factors are government policy. The influence of social flows and values from outside the community. And 3) model of the community network management there are steps: 1) awareness, awareness and understanding of problems, 2) analysis of situations, 3) management, 4) development and adaptation, 5) maintaining continuity and expansion of the group, and 6) elements:  (1) members/leaders, (2) goals/ objectives/ benefits, (3) activities,  (4) management, (5) public relations/communication, and (6) capital.


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How to Cite

Dam-orn, N. ., & Paiwithayasiritham, C. . (2020). MODEL OF COMMUNITY NETWORK MANAGEMENT FOR FOOD SECURITY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(8), 470–485. Retrieved from



Research Articles