
  • Wanchai Kaewsaen Western University
  • Krisana Vaisumruat Western University


Watershed Community Forest, Management by Network Management, Nan Province


The objectives of this article were to study 1) the conditions of upstream community forest management by network management in Nan province 2) to study the components of watershed community forest management by network management in Nan province 3) to propose guidelines for watershed community forest management by network management in Nan province. This research is a qualitative research to find new knowledge from the key informant's views. The researcher selects the specific informants, divided into 3 groups: government, private sector and houses/communities/temples/schools which led to the management of the upstream community forest by managing the networks in Nan province by using the methodology from document analysis, in-depth interviews and group discussion and data analysis by means of content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: 1. Surveying and reporting from all areas confirm that the destruction of precious natural resources in Nan has entered a crisis. Nan and villagers' organizations have realized the problem of degradation of natural resources and the environment. It has expanded the concept and sought more alliances by applying existing natural resources for maximum benefits and sustainability with establishing a network for managing upstream forest forests together. 2. In the responsibility of the government, private sector and the public sector, the Hug Muang Nan group has consistently played a role in supporting local organizations to conserve natural resources and the environment. 3. This research proposes a solution in which the government must have a clear policy to reduce planting areas. Maize in the Sun and support a career that depends on the abundance of forests. Accurately relating to upstream community forests, the successful management of community forests is a result of the integration or integration of existing knowledge with modern knowledge.


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How to Cite

Kaewsaen, W. ., & Vaisumruat, K. . (2020). WATERSHED COMMUNITY FOREST MANAGEMENT BY NETWORK MANAGEMENT IN NAN PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(8), 141–159. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/244719



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