
  • Phrakru Wichitsadhuros (Nobphadon Kaeomani) Saint John’s University
  • Sawat Anothai Saint John’s University
  • Somboon Boondo Saint John’s University


Integration, Postmodern Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy, Songkhla Lake Basin Development


             The objectives of this research article were to 1)  study the concepts concerning the Songkhla Lake Basin development, 2) study the Postmodern and Buddhist philosophy on Development, 3)  integrate post-modern and Buddhist philosophy in the development of the Songkhla Lake. This research was a qualitative research focus on document and field study. The sample consisted of 17 persons. The presentation was by the analytical description upon the analytic, appreciative and applicative approach so as to lead to the creativity of new body of knowledge in philosophy and religion. The results of the research were found as follows: The concepts of Songkhla Lake Basin Development, it is found that the Songkhla Lake Basin Development under the 3 dimensions of development which are 1) Human and Social dimension 2) Tourism and Economy dimension 3) Environment conservation dimension, by bringing the concepts of postmodern and Buddhist philosophy on development contains postmodern philosophical ideas of Michel Foucault on marketing technology that cover the concept of technology of desire, the technology of identity, the technology of the self and Buddhist metaphysics (Khan 5) on human development, namely body and mind, Buddhist epistemology (wisdom 2) on wisdom at two levels, namely mundane wisdom and super-mundane wisdom, Buddhist ethics in 3 levels which are basic level, middle level, and high level, including Buddhist ethics (Bala 4) on principles which are power to be used as a tool for development in an integrated development of the Songkhla Lake Basin in order to correct the weaknesses and obstacles arising under such three-dimensional development for peaceful living. The new body of knowledge from this research is IPL Model: L + BVW -> PL.


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How to Cite

(Nobphadon Kaeomani), P. W. ., Anothai, S. ., & Boondo, S. . (2021). THE INTEGRATION OF POSTMODERN AND BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY IN SONGKHLA LAKE BASIN DEVELOPMENT. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(1), 134–144. Retrieved from



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