Types of Using Instructional Media Technology, Using Instructional Media Technology, Child Development CenterAbstract
The Objectives of this research article were to study the problems and needs of using Instructional Media Technology of Child Development Center, and to Develop the forms of using Instructional Media Technology of Child Development Center Under the local government organization Udonthani: consisted of 2 phases. Phase 1 study the problems and needs of using Instructional Media Technology in each role and needs of development in Instructional Media Technology of Child Development Center Under the local government organization Udonthani, using in a qualitative research. The sample were 15 people the tool used was interview. A quantitative research; of the sample total of 250 people; a questioner is used. Analyze the data by using basic statistics. Phase 2 develop the use Instructional Media Technology, using qualitative research by seminars of 20 experts, interviews, notes to get suggestions and comments in order to have a relationship and coherence of various elements, including principles, objectives activities for developing indicators and evaluation methods and the research population was 30 people by using a quantitative research. Analyze the data by using basic statistics. The Result showed as Follows: 1) the result of the study shows the problems and needs of using Instructional Media Technology of Child Development Center Under the local government organization in 5 levels which are 1.1) the technology Printed media 1.2) Audio - visual technology 1.3) Computer technology 5.4) Integrated technology and 5.5) Electronic teaching and learning media. 2) Development in using the type of Instructional Media technology of child development center under the local government organization in 5 levels, 26 activities. The result of satisfaction, possibility and suitability found that possibility.
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